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Arthur W Toga is a Professor of Neurology at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Associate Director of the UCLA Brain Mapping Division within the Neuropsychiatric Institute and Associate Dean at the Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He also directs the UCLA's Laboratory of Neuroimaging, a 120-member laboratory that includes graduate students from computer science, biostatistics and neuroscience. Professor Toga's research is focused on neuroimaging, mapping brain structure and function and brain atlasing. He also studies cerebral metabolism and neurovascular coupling. He has written more than 700 papers, chapters and abstracts, including eight books, is the founding Editor in Chief of NeuroImage and has received numerous awards and honours in neuroscience, computer science and graphics. He trained in neuroscience and computer science.


Alan Evans heads the data coordinating center for two large NIH-funded multi-center MRI study of normal pediatric development and research of Aurism in infants. These projects provide a web-accessible reference database of normal and autistic maturation, both neuroanatomical and behavioral, for studies of normal and abnormal brain development. The methodologies developed for those projects, most notably (i) the web-based imaging/behavioral database, (ii) the automated MRI segmentation pipeline, and (iii) the brain-behavior correlation analysis for voxel-based (volumetric) or vertex-based (surface) data, are being used in a series of international collaborations on abnormal pediatric development and Alzheimer's disease.


Zhiming Zhang's current research focuses on utilizing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and functional MRI technologies to study aging and degenerative disease in awake non-human primate model. Brain activation induced by pharmacological stimulation is mapped by using endogenous blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) mechanism to study functional architecture of basal ganglia circuits. The study will let us better understand the anatomy, physiology and pharmacology of those structures. Another research interest is using the non-human primate parkinsonian model to investigate the basal ganglia pathways which involve Levo-dopa induced side effects. This study can lead us to find a better strategy to treat Parkinson's disease.


Guoying Bing's laboratory has recently found that a high level of microsomal epoxide hydrolase (mEH) expression in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease as well as the rat brain following exposure to neurodegenerative agents such as kainic acid and trimethyl-tin. Relatively little is known about the expression and function of mEH in the CNS. However, the dual function of mEH in the activation as well as the inactivation of various reactive compounds from xenobiotic metabolites has important implications regarding its role in brain toxicity. The hypothesize is that mEH plays a crucial role in the biotransformation of endogenous xenobiotics and/or environmental chemicals into more toxic metabolites which may cause neuronal degeneration in specific neuronal populations. The identifying the exact role of mEH as well as the role of xenobiotic metabolites in the brain will be critical in understanding the neurodegeneration induced by exposure to toxic chemicals.




POON Wai Sang(潘偉生)'s clinical interests include pituitary surgery and surgical management of Parkinson's disease, epilepsy surgery and the spinal cord; research interests include clinical and experimental head injury, hyponatraemia, telemedicine, neurorehabilitation, neuro-oncology and cell therapy for intracerebral haemorrhage.


Heng Pheng-Ann(王平安)'s research interests include virtual reality applications in medicine, visualization, medical imaging, human-computer interaction, and computer graphics.






张绍祥,医学博士,少将军衔,现任第三军医大学副校长、人体解剖学教授、博士生导师、重庆市数字医学研究所所长。国家杰出青年基金获得者,总后科技银星。兼任中国解剖学会副理事长、人体解剖学专业委员会主任委员,中华医学会数字医学分会主任委员,重庆市解剖学会理事长、美国Clinical Anatomy杂志编委,《局解与手术学杂志》主编。长期从事断层影像解剖学和数字医学研究,在国内外发表学术论文140余篇,其中国外SCI收录期刊发表论文16篇,主编出版了我国高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划白皮书《医学基础类课程教学改革研究报告》,主编了《中国数字化可视人体图谱》、《人体颅底部薄层断面与MRI、CT对照图谱》等学术专著,参编专著16部。研究成果先后获国家科技进步二等奖2项,军队(省部级)科技奖励11项。





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