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1.Li Z,Xu F,Zhang Z,Lin X,Teng G,Zang F,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).

MorphologicEvolution and Coordinated Development ofthe Fetal Lateral Ventricles in the Second and Third Trimesters.AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.2019;40(4):718-725.

2.Song L,Peng Q,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Wang J.Changed hub and function-al connectivity patterns of the posterior fusiform gyrus in chess experts.Brain

Imaging Behav(2019).

3.Tang Y,Zhao L,Lou Y,Shi Y,Fang R,Lin X,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Toga A.Brain structure differences between Chinese and Caucasian cohorts: A c--omprehensive morphometry study.Hum Brain Mapp.2018;39(5):2147-2155.

4. Song L,Mishra V,Ouyang M,Peng Q,Slinger M,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),HuangH.Human Fetal Brain Connectome: Structural Network Development f-rom Middle Fetal Stage to Birth.Front Neurosci.2017;11:561.

5. Xu J,Yin X,Ge H,Han Y,Pang Z,Liu B,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Fristo--n K.Heritability of the Effective Connectivity in the Resting-State Default Mo-de Network.Cereb Cortex.2017;27(12):5626-5634.

6. Xiao M,Ge H,Khundrakpam BS,Xu J,Bezgin G,Leng Y,Zhao L,Tang Y,Ge X,Jeon S,Xu W,Evans AC,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者). Attention Perf-ormance Measured by Attention Network Test Is Correlated with Global and Regional Efficiency of Structural Brain Networks.Front Behav Neurosci.2016;10:194.

7. Leng Y,Shi Y,Yu Q,Van Horn JD,Tang H,Li J,Xu W,Ge X,Tang Y,Han Y,Zhang D,Xiao M,Zhang H,Pang Z,Toga AW,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Phenotypic and Genetic Correlations Between the Lobar Segments of the I--nferior Fronto-occipital Fasciculus and Attention.Sci Rep.2016;6:33015

8. Zhang H,Zhang Z,Yin X,Zhan J,Zhao Z,Tang Y,Liu C,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Zhong S.Early development of the fetal central sulcus on 7.0T magnetic resonance imaging.Int J Dev Neurosci.2016;48:18-23.

9. Xu J,Yin X,Ge H,Han Y,Pang Z,Tang Y,Liu B,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Attentional performance is correlated with the local regional efficiency of intrinsi-c brain networks.Front Behav Neurosci.2015;9:200.

10. Ge X,Shi Y,Li J,Zhang Z,Lin X,Zhan J,Ge H,Xu J,Yu Q,Leng Y,Teng G,Feng L,Meng H,Tang Y,Zang F,Toga AW,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Development of the human fetal hippocampal formation during early se--cond trimester.Neuroimage.2015;119:33-43.

11. Sun B,Ge H,Tang Y,Hou Z,Xu J,Lin X,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Asymmetries of the central sulcus in young adults: Effects of gender, age and sulca-l pattern.Int J Dev Neurosci.2015;44:65-74.

12. Yu Q,Guo Q,Chen L,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Clinicopathological significa-nce and potential drug targeting of CDH1 in lung cancer:a meta-analysis and

literature review.Drug Des Devel Ther.2015;9:2171-8.

13. Li C,Tang Y,Ge H,Lin X,Sun B,Feng L,Liu S,Liu C,Liang C,Zhang Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Sectional anatomy of the abducens nerve: according to 3D-SPACE magnetic resonance sequences correlated with cr--yosectional specimens.Surg Radiol Anat.2015;37(8):921-9.

14. Zuo Y,Li L,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Kohn's pores are not responsible for collateral ventilation between inflated and deflated segments: a microscopic study of pulmonary intersegmental septa in the human lung.J Anat.2015;226(4):381-5.

15. Wei Z,Rui SG,Yuan Z,Guo LD,Qian L,Wei LS(刘树伟,通讯作者).

Partial splenectomy and use of splenic vein as an autograft for meso-Rex

bypass: a clinical observational study.Med Sci Monit.2014;20:2235-42.

16. Yu Q,Peng Y,Mishra V,Ouyang A,Li H,Zhang H,Chen M,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Huang H. Microstructure, length, and connection of limbic tract-s in normal human brain development.Front Aging Neurosci.2014;6:228.

17. Zhang W, Zhang Y, Shao G, Li J, LiuS(刘树伟,通讯作者),An autogenous great saphenous vein as a graft in mesoportal shunting for portal hypertension in children: A clinical observational study.Experimental and clinica-l cardiology. 2014; 20(6):3569-3573.

18. Liu C,Tang Y,Ge H,Wang F,Sun H,Meng H,Wang S,Xu J,Fan R,Fan L,Zhang Z,Shan T,Yuan H,Zhan J,Yu Q,Ge X,Tang H,Leng Y,Ding S,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Increasing breadth of the frontal lobe but d-ecreasing height of the human brain between two Chinese samples from a Neolithic site and from living humans.Am J Phys Anthropol.2014;154(1):94-103.

19. Lou L,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者),Zhao ZM,Tang YC,Lin XT.Acquisition of thin coronal sectional dataset of cadaveric liver.Surg Radiol Anat.2014;36(3):225-9.

20. Hou Z,Zhang Z,Meng H,Lin X,Sun B,Lei H,Fang K,Fang F,Liu M,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Parkinson's disease: in vivo metabolic changes in the frontal and parietal cortices in 6-OHDAtreated rats during different periods.Int J Neurosci.2014;124(2):125-32.

21. Xu J,Rees G,Yin X,Song C,Han Y,Ge H,Pang Z,Xu W,Tang Y,Friston K,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Spontaneous neuronal activity predicts inters-ubject variations in executive control of attention.Neuroscience.2014;263:181-92.

22. Ge H,Yin X,Xu J,Tang Y,Han Y,Xu W,Pang Z,Meng H,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Fiber pathways of attention subnetworks revealed with tract-ba-sed spatial statistics (TBSS) and probabilistic tractography.PLoS One.2013;8(11): e7883113.

23. Zhang Z,Meng H,Hou Z,Ma J,Feng L,Lin X,Tang Y,Zhang X,Liu Q,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Fetal adrenal gland in the second half of gest-ation: morphometrical assessment with 3.0T post-mortem MRI.PLoS One.2013;8(10): e75511.

24. Bin Z,Ke-Yi L,Wei-Feng Z,Li-Cheng J,Xian-Bin L,Chun-Peng X,Dao-Ying Y,Shu-Wei L(刘树伟,通讯作者).Downregulation of KLF8 expression by shRNA induces inhibition of cell proliferation in CAL27human oral cancer cells.Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal.2013;18(4): e591-6.

25. Zhang B,Li KY,Chen HY,Pan SD,Jiang LC,Wu YP,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者).Spindle and kinetochore associated complex subunit 1 regulates the

proliferation of oraladenosquamous carcinoma CAL-27 cells in vitro.Cancer Cell Int.2013;13(1):83.

26. Zhang B,Li KY,Chen HY,Pan SD,Chen SF,Zhang WF,Xia CP,Jiang LC,Liu XB,Zhao FJ,Yuan DY,Wang le X,Wu YP,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者).Lentivirus-based RNA silencing of Nemo-like kinase (NLK) inhibits th--e CAL 27 humanadenosquamos carcinoma cells proliferation and blocks G0/G1 phase to S phase.Int J Med Sci.2013;10(10):1301-6.

27. Zhan J,Dinov ID,Li J,Zhang Z,Hobel S,Shi Y,Lin X,Zamanyan A,Feng L,Teng G,Fang F,Tang Y,Zang F,Toga AW,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Spatial temporal atlas of human fetal brain development during the earl-y second trimester.Neuroimage.2013;82:115-26.

28. Zhang Z,Hou Z,Lin X,Teng G,Meng H,Zang F,Fang F,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Development of the fetal cerebral cortex in the second trimester: assessment with 7T postmortem MR imaging.AJNR Am J Neuroradiol.2013;34(7):1462-7.

29. Zuo YZ,Liu C,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者).Pulmonary intersegmental pla-nes:imaging appearance and possible reasons leading to their visualization.


30. Yin X,Han Y,Ge H,Xu W,Huang R,Zhang D,Xu J,Fan L,Pang Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Inferior frontal white matter asymmetry correlates wit-h executive control of attention.Hum Brain Mapp.2013;34(4):796-813.

31. Yin X,Zhao L,Xu J,Evans AC,Fan L,Ge H,Tang Y,Khundrakpam B,Wang J,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Anatomical substrates of the alerting, orienting and executive control components of attention: focus on the posterior parietal lobe.PLoS One.2012;7(11): e50590.

32. Wang XH,Lu G,Hu X,Tsang KS,Kwong WH,Wu FX,Meng HW,JiangS,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者),Ng HK,Poon WS.Quantitative assessment of gait and neurochemical correlation in a classical murine model of

Parkinson's disease.BMC Neurosci.2012;13:142.

33. Meng H,Zhang Z,Geng H,Lin X,Feng L,Teng G,Fang F,Zang F,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Development of the subcortical brain structures in the second trimester: assessment with 7.0-T MRI.Neuroradiology.2012;54(10):1153-9.

34. He X,Feng L,Meng H,Wang X,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Rosiglitazone

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35. Liu J,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Heng X,Fei C,Wei Y,Zhang J,Zhang Z,Tang Y.The values of thin sections and three-dimensional reconstruction

in the sellar region.World Neurosurg.2012;78(5):510-5.

36. Zhang W,Khatibi NH,Yamaguchi-Okada M,Yan J,Chen C,Hu Q,Meng H,Han H,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Zhou C.Mammalian target of rapamy-cin (mTOR)inhibition reduces cerebral vasospasm following a subarachnoid he-morrhage injury in canines.ExpNeurol.2012;233(2):799-806.

37. Lin X,Zhang Z,Teng G,Meng H,Yu T,Hou Z,Fang F,Zang F,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Measurements using 7.0 T post-mortem magnetic resonance

imaging of the scalar dimensions of the fetal brain between 12 and 20 weeks

gestational age.Int J Dev Neurosci.2011;29(8):885-9.

38. Liu F,Zhang Z,Lin X,Teng G,Meng H,Yu T,Fang F,Zang F,Li Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者). Development of the human fetal cerebellum in the s-econd trimester: a post mortem magnetic resonance imaging evaluation.J Anat.2011;219(5):582-8.

39. Zhang Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Lin X,Teng G,Yu T,Fang F,Zang F.Development of fetal brain of 20 weeks gestational age: assessment with post-mortem Magnetic Resonance Imaging.Eur J Radiol.2011;80(3):e432-9.

40. Zhang Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Lin X,Teng G,Yu T,Fang F,Zang F.

Development of laminar organization of the fetal cerebrum at 3.0T and 7.0T: a postmortem MRI study.Neuroradiology.2011;53(3):177-84.

41. Fan L,Tang Y,Sun B,Gong G,Chen ZJ,Lin X,Yu T,Li Z,Evans AC,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Sexual dimorphism and asymmetry in human cerebellum: an MRI-based morphometric study.Brain Res.2010; 1353:60-73.

42. Zhang Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Lin X,Sun B,Yu T,Geng H.Development of fetal cerebral cortex: assessment of the folding conditions with post

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43. Tang YC,Zhao ZM,Lin XT,Sun B,Fan LZ,Hou ZY,Qi HT,Li ZP,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者). The thin sectional anatomy of the sellar region with MRI correlation.Surg Radiol Anat.2010;32(6):573-80.

44. Lin X,Tang Y,Sun B,Hou Z,Meng H,Li Z,Liu Q,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Cerebral glucose metabolism: Influence on perihematomal edema formation after intracerebral hemorrhage in cat models.Acta Radiol.2010;51(5):549-54

45. Hou Z,Hong S,Sun B,Lin X,Liu Q,Yao S,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Parkinson's disease: functional changes in frontal and parietal cortex using 18 F- fluoro-deoxy glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomograp-hy.Neurol India.2010;58(1):53-7.

46. Tang Y,Hojatkashani C,Dinov ID,Sun B,Fan L,Lin X,Qi H,Hua X,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Toga AW. The construction of a Chinese MRI brain at-las: a morphometric comparison studybetween Chinese and Caucasian cohorts.Neuroimage.2010;51(1):33-41

47. Hou Z,Lei H,Hong S,Sun B,Fang K,Lin X,Liu M,Yew DT,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Functional changes in the frontal cortex in Parkinson's disea-se using a rat model.J Clin Neurosci.2010;17(5):628-33.

48. Sun B,Wang D,Tang Y,Fan L,Lin X,Yu T,Qi H,Li Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).The pineal volume:a three-dimensional volumetric study in healthy young adults using 3.0 T MR data.Int J Dev Neurosci.2009;27(7):655-60.

49. Lou L,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者),Zhao ZM,Heng PA,Tang YC,Li ZP,

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50. Wu F,Poon WS,Lu G,Wang A,Meng H,Feng L,Li Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Alpha-synuclein knockdown attenuates MPP+ induced mitochondrial

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51. Sun B,Tang YC,Fan LZ,Lin XT,Li ZP,Qi HT,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者).The pineal region: thin sectional anatomy with MR correlation in the coronal plane.Surg Radiol Anat.2008;30(7):575-82.

52.Ma G,Liu SW(刘树伟,通讯作者),Zhao ZM,Lin XT,Lou L,Li ZP,Tang YC,Zhong SZ.Sectional anatomy of the adrenal gland in the coronal plane.Surg Radiol Anat.2008;30(3):271-80.

53.Feng L,Meng H,Wu F,Cheng B,He X,Wang X,Li Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Olfactory ensheathing cells conditioned medium prevented apoptosis induced by 6-OHDA in PC12 cells through modulation of intrinsic apoptotic pathways.Int J Dev Neurosci.2008;26(3-4):323-9.

54. Cheng B,Yang X,Han Z,An L,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Arsenic triox-ide induced the apoptosis of laryngeal cancer via down-regulation of survi-vin mRNA.Auris Nasus Larynx.2008;35(1):95-101.

55. Meng H,Li C,Feng L,Cheng B,Wu F,Wang X,Li Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).Effects of Ginkgolide B on 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis and calciu-m over load in cultured PC12.Int J Dev Neurosci.2007;25(8):509-14.

56. Cheng B,Yang X,Hou Z,Lin X,Meng H,Li Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者).D-beta-hydroxybutyrate inhibits the apoptosis of PC12 cells induced b-y 6-OHDA in relation to up-regulating the ratio of Bcl-2/Bax mRNA.AutonNeurosci.2007;134(1-2):38-44.

57. Zhao Z,Liu S(刘树伟,通讯作者),Li Z,Hou J,Wang Z,Ma X,Yin Q,Ding J.Sectional anatomy of the peritoneal reflections of the upper abdo-men in the coronalplane.J Comput Assist Tomogr.2005;29(4):430-7.

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